DIY Coffee Creamer eBook

DIY Coffee Creamer eBook


Want to try your hand at delicious homemade creamers? Ones that are just as flavorful as the store without the nasty chemicals? These recipes won’t disappoint! They are smooth, creamy, and bursting with flavor. And no, you don’t have to worry about any weird chunks floating in your coffee.

You will find 11 delicious recipes including:

-Peppermint Mocha
-Almond Cookie
-Lavender Vanilla
-Cinnamon Honey
-Plus more!

These recipes do include dairy, but there are options to make them dairy free.

The secret flavoring in the majority of the recipes are essential oils. Don’t worry! You will learn how using essential oils in culinary cooking is perfectly safe. Now brew yourself some coffee and get ready to enjoy!

**This product is for a PDF download. You will not receive any physical product.

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